
Archeological sites on Asei Island inundated

SENTANI (JAYAPURA) - Environmental damage in the Sentani Lake area, Jayapura regency, Papua, caused the lake to burst its banks and flood areas of cultural and historical importance, including megalithic archaeological remains such as the menhirs (standing stones) on Asei Island, Hari Suroto, a researcher from the Jayapura archeology office, said on Sunday.

He highlighted that the menhirs needed to be protected and conserved by the government and the local communities.

“Environment and culture conservation should be integrated. The measures jointly undertaken should include the normalization of water levels in Sentani Lake and revitalization and rehabilitation of the lake,” Hari said in Jayapura as quoted by Antara news agency. .

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Jayapura regent Mathius Awoitauw said scientific research needed to be undertaken to measure the lake’s increased height, which had occurred during the last two weeks.

“A survey is underway and we will share the results in a presentation at the provincial level,” said Mathius. [TheJakartaPost]

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