
Papua Administration Buy Aircraft for Remote Areas

KOTA JAYAPURA - The Papua provincial administration has earmarked Rp 15 billion ($US 1.5 million) as down payment to purchase twin otter aircraft with 17- passenger capacity.

“The aircraft will be used to serve remote areas. The aircraft cost Rp 80 billion (U$ 8.2 million) and we will pay for it in three years  time,” Papua transportation agency head Bambang Sismanto said on Tuesday.

He said as of right now,  the administration was in the middle of preparing paper work for the tender process and fund allocation commitment between the Papua Provincial Council and the provincial administration.

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The aircraft procurement was part of the provincial government’s response to questions raised by some regents about the  administration seriousness in transportation. Bambang said the Papuan provincial administration had allocated a Rp 40 billion subsidy for pioneer flights and 49 billion for the shipping line. Currently, the pioneer flights were operated by Susi Air, Merpati Airlines and Trigana Air.[JakartaPost| ImagePapua]

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