
Greenpeace Expects New Papua Governor to Preserve Ecosystem Balance

KOTA JAYAPURA - Environment organization Greenpeace has expressed hope that Papua`s new Governor Luke Enembe would produce policies that will assure ecosystem balance.

"We sent a bouquet containing an environmental message to the Papua`s elected governor," Greenpeace Forest Campaigner of Papua Richard Charles said here on Monday.

He said Greenpeace hoped under the new governor leadership remaining forests in Papua would be saved.

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Forests in Papua could still be saved unlike in other parts of the country, he said.

"Forests in Papua should be preserved and saved as early as possible," he said.

Charles explained sustainable environment supports preservation of animals and even human beings.

"Forest protection requires the support of the new government," he said.

Greenpeace is a non governmental organization championing nonviolent environmental campaigns creatively.

The environmental organization has tried to unravel global environment problems and has called for solutions for peaceful and green future.

Greenpeace`s target is to ensure earth sustainability for the survival of all biological diversities. [Antara]

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